Protecting, nurturing, and celebrating our indigenous roots.

Xinachtli was founded to preserve the ancient wisdom of our ancestors through the protection of sacred plants, education, and aid to indigenous communities.

The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.

This prophecy foretold the reunion of indigenous people and teachings from the North and South, helping to restore harmony and healing for humanity and Mother Earth. Xinachtli is one manifestation of this prophecy - both embodying and supporting the lineages of the Eagle and the Condor.

Meet Kuauhtli and Akarâ

Xinachtli is stewarded by Akarâ Huitzilcuicani and Kuauhtli Vasquez, wisdom keepers of the Native lineages from the South and North. After many years of sharing these traditions around the world, they’ve created a foundation to preserve the gifts of their cultures for many more generations to come.


with Kuauhtli & Delfina

June 11~18

Terra Booma
Alto Paraiso, Brazil

Immerse yourself in a week-long plant medicine retreat held by the ancient knowledge of sacred lineages and the healing essence of plants. The synergy of ancestral culture fuels personal evolution and global consciousness through initiations into embodiment and ceremony. Music to nourish the soul and prayers for all our relations in sacred lands of waterfalls and crystal quartz soil.

Help us restore a regenerative relationship between humanity and Mother Earth.